For some losing weight is quick, easy and painless... For the rest of us, our biology celebrates the antithesis; it's one of the most difficult roads one must travel. As impossible as it may seem, weight loss is an attainable goal if you have the right tools and commitment to losing those extra pounds that stand between you and a more healthful life.
While traveling down the road to weight loss, we encounter roadblocks that keep us from achieving those goals. Sometimes understanding where the roadblocks are can help us to avoid them and take an alternate road to successful weight loss.
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Here are some of the roadblocks that we have encountered on our journey and the journeys of others with whom we have traveled, along with appropriate detours as we embrace the scenic route to healthy weight loss results.
1. Lack of exercise. Exercise is the key to oxygenating the blood and increasing circulatory function, enabling fat cells to be released into the blood stream and expended properly, while preserving precious muscle mass and tone.
The detour: Get moving. Get a pedometer with a step-counter mode. The average person gets 3,000-5,000 steps per day. Increase your steps-per-day to 10,000.
2. Ineffective calorie counts. Most people who are keeping an eye on their daily calorie counts miscalculate by as many as 500 calories.
The detour: Keep a journal of all that you eat (your body's already doing that). This will give you an accurate account of your caloric intake each day. If you're weigh-ins are not to your expectations, review your journal for trouble-shooting.
3. Fruits and vegetables. Many dieters do not consume enough healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables that you can actually consume more when compared to other meal options. Plus, you get the added advantage of the extra nutrients that promote healthy weight loss.
The detour: Make a conscious effort to eat more fruits and vegetables each day.
4. Good fat vs. bad fat. Or bodies need good fat to operate at a high performance (fat-burning) level. Many dieters consume excessive levels of bad fats that promote weight gain (counterproductive to say the least).
The detour: Eat more monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) nuts, including peanuts, walnuts, almonds and pistachios, avocados, canola and olive oil. Eat more polyunsaturated fats including seafood, healthy oils, like, corn, soy, safflower and sunflower oils. Limit saturated fats found in meat, dairy, eggs, seafood and less-healthy oils, like, coconut and palm oils. Avoid trans fats (hydrogenated oils) altogether.
5. Sugars and carbohydrates. Another common mistake is to consume too many refined sugars and/or carbohydrates that are ineffective for weight loss.
The detour: Eat more complex carbohydrates as are found in grains, and limit simple carbohydrates, like fruit and dairy products. Avoid simple sugars as found in candy and sugary drinks.
6. Skipping meals. This is just wrong thinking. It is usually embraced at an early age, when our bodies are automatically operating at optimum levels. Starvation efforts at an early age will yield lower numbers on the scale at a biological cost that is seen as negotiable. As we age, the biological cost is ever more apparent and costly.
The detour: Divide your daily caloric intake into five to seven meals/snack per day. Your body needs to be fueled regularly to burn fat.
7. Cleaning your plate. Weight loss strugglers have to fight against early age programming of having to eat every morsel served to them because, "children are starving in China." Studying naturally thin people, you will notice that they do not clean their plate, do not fear of disposing of excess food, and naturally adopt portion-control to their eating style.
The detour: Practice portion-control. Put less on your plate. Practice throwing excess food away, or let the waitress pick up the extra food at a restaurant. Begin by, "acting," like a naturally thin person and you, too, can be a naturally thin person.
8. Instant weight loss. Many dieters desire instant weight loss results so they are in constant search for the newest, "miracle diet," or weight loss scheme.
The detour: Expect to lose weight consistently over time. Healthy weight loss is not rapid weight loss. Healthy weight loss comes from changing your lifestyle, eating and exercising more healthfully resulting in a healthier and more svelte new you.
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